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A member registered Apr 12, 2021

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Thank you!

hey! i played this and LOVED it! can someone tell me what games are like this? I just loved it that much xd!

do they all have to be the brown color

so I know this soon to ask for help...again, but I'm stuck at the chess pieces part. I've got the queen and bishop down (I think?) but I'm stuck at the part where is say "there's not much to it." I thought that it could be a pawn but apparently I'm wrong. sorry but I've legit been trying for 5 minutes straight.

(1 edit)

tysm! <3

also I just wanted to let you know that this game is really good and the animation is amazing! Keep up the good work and I would love to check out some (possibly?) future games!

hey, can some one tell me what to do? ToT I am terrible at these types of games...

me too

can I get a tutorial from any one...? I’m stuck -_-

just for any kids or people that don’t like cussing this ending says the f word <3